Thursday, March 6, 2014

RSBC Week 4

Well, this is super late because I've been a slacker and Ruby has had a mysterious fever, but I figured I might as well report my week 4. 

Last week I ran 3.2 miles and swam 400 meter plus I did some yoga.  The swim was cut short because I went on Saturday and they had a swim meet there at the pool, but I still met my goal. 

Run: 13.4 miles
Swim: 2300 meters
Plus 2 yoga workouts and power sculpt dvd.  

I met my goal to do the half iron-man for the swim and run portions. 

This week's cooking challenge was cherries and honey.  I couldn't find any fresh cherries at the store though and didn't want to buy canned, so I didn't do it.  Although, I did have a brilliant idea after the fact.  I could have made homemade granola with honey and dried cherries.  That would have been good.